Trigger, safety, magazine release, and priming handle work but the weapon will not fire. Caliber: 9mm Damage: 15 Fire Rate: 110 Range: 107 Accuracy: 71 Weight: 5.2 A less powerful automatic weapon, the 9mm SMG uses a smaller caliber bullet to operate. 44 Magnum revolver* ( Mysterious Magnum*)
The 10mm submachine gun has an extremely thin circular iron sight and moderate distance between it and the rear sight of the gun. Along with the 9mm submachine gun, the 10mm SMG will not slow one down when equipped. Sometimes found on lobotomites, though mostly at mid levels. Fiends may carry 10mm SMGs, such as in Vault 3. Many Kings gang members carry this weapon. Found from time to time on Viper gunslingers. Sometimes found on Caesar's Legion soldiers, most reliably on the route to Novac. Occasionally found on NCR troopers patrolling the Mojave. Can be bought from various merchants and traders throughout the Mojave Wasteland. Vault 34 - Multiple 10mm SMGs can be found within the vault armory and the vault itself. The Tops, New Vegas - Can be found inside a safe in the Penthouse Suite. Gun Runners - The Vendortron sells them. Red Rock Canyon - Several Great Khans, especially the ones who traveled from Boulder City, may have 10mm SMGs. Durability (number of attacks before breaking) Damage per attack (damage per projectile) It also comes with a darker finish and a larger magazine. It has a suppressor/compensator along with internal modifications that boost the damage and slightly elevate the rate of fire. Sleepytyme - added in the add-on Gun Runners' Arsenal. 10mm submachine gun recoil compensator - reduces spread by 1.
10mm submachine gun extended magazines - +10 rounds per magazine. The 10mm submachine gun can fire a total of about 2495 standard rounds, the equivalent of 84 reloads, or 63 reloads when modified with extended magazines, from full condition before breaking. With full automatic fire and a 30-round magazine, the SMG performs well in close quarters combat. The SMG also has a high ammunition consumption rate, which will empty the 10mm rounds in its magazine in 3 1/3 seconds. In addition to losing much of its damage, the high spread of this weapon requires the wielder to be at close ranges for all of the rounds fired to impact on the target. Although the in-game description for the 10mm SMG lists a high damage-per-second (DPS), its low damage threshold negates most of its power. The 10mm submachine gun is a one-handed automatic weapon.