I used Cheat engine to get all characters saves. Just stick to innermost path, and focus on spheres until rings drop under If rings are abovejust focus on spheres. Don't give up! It's more satisfying when you can do it yourself. Would have been best to hit mach 2 or 3 first. I was able to beat them all by taking the outer paths only on the first lap, which now I realize may've made things harder on me. Take the innermost lap to catch up with the UFO! Tower cylinder mabinogi They're hard, but part of the trick is learning which branching path to take. There's an early giant ring in Flying Battery act 1 if you want to get some quick retries, just head upwards when you reach the wall with the propeller platform that normally takes you down. I've been searching hard everywhere but I can't seem to find a save for Plus yet. Just look online and you're bound to find a save file. I agree those speical stages are hard, I tried the first one 6 times and still couldn't suceed. I don't think I'll be able to beat those special stages on my own Thank you! Showing 1 - 15 of 17 comments. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.